Used Book Sale

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Used Book Sale

The Casselman Public Library is happy to announce its new online used books sale, a derivative of the annual used books sale, which allows a quick, personalized and continuous access to all our used books for sale.
As for the annual used books sale, profits of this programme will be used for the purchase of new releases for the Library.

The procedure is quite simple: you are invited to visit the web site indicated below, and send an e-mail to: indicating which book(s) you wish to reserve. Please note that you can choose on top of the page either ‘’Used Books for Sale’’ or by clicking on the arrow, you can choose ‘’Livres usages à vendre’’ for French books.

Pricing is $2.00 for regular sized books and $1.00 for pocket books and/or children books.
Web site address:
A reply to your request will be promptly answered, indicating the total cost of your purchases and the time and date you may visit the library to pick them up.
We hope you find this new endeavour to your liking; please feel free to browse the indicated web site frequently as new additions will be added regularly to the list.
Happy shopping!