eBooks and eAudiobooks

eBooks and eAudiobooks

Download ebooks and audiobooks anywhere, anytime, to any computer. Transfer your audiobooks to your MP3 player or iPod, and take them with you – wherever you go!

OverDrive eAudiobooks

This collection of fiction & non-fiction audiobooks includes more than 3,000 titles. It offers a good selection of juvenile and young adult fiction, as well as horror, thrillers, romance, westerns, mysteries, speculative fiction, literature, drama, and classics. New titles and additional copies of popular titles are added monthly.

Click on the following links for specific downloading procedures:

Click here to access OverDrive:

  • Visit the download centre to install the free software.
  • To login choose Hawkesbury Public Library and enter the 5 digits of your library card and PIN.
  • Browse the collection and add titles to your cart.
  • Check them out for a period of 7-14 days.
  • Download the titles to your computer, laptop or MP3 player. Many titles can also be burned to CDs.
  • If a title is not accessible, you can put a hold on it.
  • For your convenience, you may also visit the library and use our designated download computer.
  • OverDrive is also accessible to visually impaired patrons and is compatible with screen reader programs, such as JAWS for Windows and Window-Eyes.
  • The service is also available for mobile users (iPhones, etc.).

Need Help?

Access to the Overdrive collection is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism through the Southern Ontario Library Service (SOLS).

EBSCO eBook Collection

This collection of online electronic books includes more than 10,000 titles (mostly non-fiction) on a great variety of subjects, including business, computing, technology, science, psychology, health, education, environment, social sciences and more.
NEW! EBSCO eBooks can now be downloaded on personal devices. Users must create their own account or sign in to download.

Gale Virtual Reference Library (eBooks)

Search over 100 electronic reference books individually or as a group. Titles include subject specific encyclopedias, subject dictionaries, handbooks, and almanacs.
Audience: High School and beyond. General interest research.
Access: Use Inside or Outside the Library
Library card number required to access database.